With artistsandmakers.com in Brixton Village

February 7, 2010 by  

Last week I was lucky enough to be asked to spend a few days drawing Granville Arcade/Brixton Village, on the first leg of artistsandmakers.com Empty Shops Network Tour to six towns across England, created by artist Dan Thompson.

I joined Dan, Jan Williams (Caravan Gallery)Steve Bomford and podcaster Richard Vobes, for lively discussion and to create new work on site for an all day event on the Saturday, you can hear Richard Vobes podcasts of about the project here.

Its been a while since I had the chance to stay in one place for a few days drawing, talking to stallholders and getting to scratch a little below the surface, seeing the flows of life. This year we’ve (Proboscis) been involved in several projects that have looked at the issue of common space and how its changing alongside the implications of huge shopping malls, department stores and the privatisation of public space.  It was a real pleasure to be in a place where the character of it is created by the people using it to trade and to socialise. There was an almost constant sound of conversation, laughter and music and the smells of all the food being cooked or sold.

Exploring empty shops is about celebrating local distinctiveness and the project will also show local communities how to use empty shops for meanwhile projects. Each project will last less than a week from start to finish and Dan makes a very open space for artists to follow their interests. Each week will involve public meetings, informal training for local artists, and showcase the tools needed to run empty shops projects.

The tour has been organised by the Empty Shops Network, with the first event happening just a week after the project was conceived at a meeting of organisations involved in bringing empty shops and spaces into meanwhile use.

The tour is supported by the Meanwhile Project, and the Brixton event is using a space provided by the Space Makers Agency. After Brixton, the Empty Shops Network project will visit five further towns, with dates in Shoreham by Sea, Coventry, Cumbria and Durham to be confirmed in coming weeks. See artistandmakers.com for details.

You can see more images from the Brixton week here.

Jan, Dan and Steve.

Steve and Terry – the butcher – in front of the pictures Steve and Jan took during the week.


4 Responses to “With artistsandmakers.com in Brixton Village”

  1. uberVU - social comments on February 7th, 2010 10:01 pm

    Social comments and analytics for this post…

    This post was mentioned on Twitter by stevebomford: Checkk out @Alice_Angus blog about #emptyshops usage in #brixvill http://bit.ly/cyCJDf (@artistsmakers…

  2. With artistsandmakers in Coventry | Proboscis on April 12th, 2010 3:25 pm

    […] some of the spaces (and their occupants) the tour is visiting and Coventry Market follows from my drawings in Granville Arcade in […]

  3. Granville Arcade: empty spaces and meeting places by Alice Angus | Proboscis | Diffusion on May 6th, 2010 1:19 am

    […] : A book of drawings by Alice Angus made during a week long project exploring Granville Arcade in Brixton Market on the […]

  4. Coventry Market: public spaces, meeting places by Alice Angus | Proboscis | Diffusion on May 7th, 2010 10:32 am

    […] Network Tour created by artist Dan Thompson . It follows from her earlier commission to draw Granville Arcade in Brixton for the tour, also an eBook available on […]