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A selection of QuickTime movies from the project:
(4.1 Mb) Original Film Sketch
(352 Kb) MRI brain section slice animation
Subject: Mark Lythgoe
3D Modelling data provided by Chloe Hutton (FIL)
(316 Kb) MRI data set rotation
Subject: Mark Lythgoe
3D Modelling data provided by Chloe Hutton (FIL)
(2.1 Mb) Film Sketch - soundscape inc. sampled MRI sounds
(200 Kb) Brain activation animation
3D Modelling data provided by Chloe Hutton (FIL)
(532 Kb) fMRI Activation model
fMRI activations of the visual and auditory cortex while listening to the radio and watching a flashing chequer board
(4.4 Mb) Excerpt from the final film

Download QuickTime Player for Macintosh & Windows

Last updated March 4, 2003
© 1998-2003 Proboscis & the Artists. All Rights Reserved.