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This area of the site links off to specific areas of research and development undertaken for MAPPING PERCEPTION, or to work carried out alongside the project which has influenced its development.

Andrew Kotting's Project Diary: a collection of notes, aphorisms, drawings, rants and miscellaneous stuff found on, in, during, because of, perhaps, under, over and inadvertently since the project began in 1998.

BRAIN TUNER: a collaborative project for the Birmingham Discovery Centre with Mark Lythgoe, Alison Rowan, New Angle Productions and Creative Zones.

The research and development of the issues and themes of MAPPING PERCEPTION has been supported with the aid of the funders of both the film and installation.
Additional support to enhance the project has been provided by the CALOUSTE GULBENKIAN FOUNDATION.

The team also wish to acknowledge to fundamental support of the INSTITUTE OF CHILD HEALTH & GREAT ORMOND STREET HOSPITAL, without whom this project would not have been possible.


Last updated October 10, 2002
© 1998-2002 Proboscis & the Artists. All Rights Reserved.