Materialising Data Embodying Climate Change

Proboscis is a founding partner in the Manifest Data Lab, a new transdisciplinary research group based at Central Saint Martins UAL.
The lab’s main project is, Materialising Data, Embodying Climate Change, a 3 year AHRC-funded research project led by Professor Tom Corby (Central St Martins, UAL) and Giles Lane, with Professor George Roussos (Birkbeck UoL) & Dr Louise Sime (NERC British Antarctic Survey).
The project aims to devise and explore the potential for Empathic Encounters with complex interconnected climate data by creating tangible artworks and environments. Our research will focus on investigating how to make abstract data and concepts more meaningful and tangible to the general public by materialising data and embodying experiences.
Developing open and accessible ways for people to engage with our work, and the climate science that underpins it, is a key element. As a first step we have begun a monthly series of events (Republic of Learning) in a community space (Story Garden) in Somers Town/Kings Cross.
Team: Giles Lane, Tom Corby, George Roussos, Louise Sime, Erin Dickson, Jonathan Mackenzie, Gavin Baily, Rachel Jacobs
Partners: Central Saint Martins University of the Arts London, Birkbeck University of London, NERC British Antarctic Survey
Funded by the Arts & Humanities Research Council, UKRI
Begun 2019 | Ongoing