Fabric Design

Proboscis is taking our experimentation with drawing into fabric creation and design, creating images that flow over a whole garment and experimenting with the possibilities of one off digital printing.  We have been working with fashion designer Mrs Jones on some garments created from our fabric designs that will be shown as part of Day + Gluckman’s show in Collyer Bristow Gallery Fifties Fashion and Emerging Feminism from May to September 2011. The fabric pictured above is inspired by the contrast between fashion photos in the V&A,  fabric in St Martins archives and the stories and recollections of a group of people from Lancaster about everyday life in the 1950s (that stem from As It Comes).

Working with fabric, garments and costume is a development from our large scale drawings and embroidered hangings, such as for As it Comes, and the costumes for Snout.

Now we want to push this fusion of art, heritage, design and stories a bit further and will be looking for partners to take this work into new contexts as well as opportunities to design one off garments for individuals. Get in touch if you would like to know more.

See posts tagged fabric design on this site here.