Inclusive Security
March 4, 2021 by aliceangus · Comments Off on Inclusive Security

We have been collaborating with Professor Lizzie Coles Kemp, (of the Information Security Group, Royal Holloway University) and the communities she works with, for several years, on projects about bias, access, security, exclusion, privacy and consent in digital services. Lizzie is groundbreaking, and inspiring, in the way she collaborates with communities, artists and performers in this work.

Recently I’ve been excited to be working with her using my process of ‘drawing as research’, to reflect on her work, and to bring in moments, expressions and feelings that are sometimes beyond words. It’s is not about me illustrating the research; my drawing and Lizzie’s writing inform and influence each other as an iterative creative process. Some drawings only exist temporarily to explore an idea, but many develop into final works.
The first set of drawings were part of Lizzie’s Inaugural Lecture “Digital security for all: why an inclusive security approach matters”. More recently she commissioned a large collection in response to her significant body of research on the way our interactions with digital technologies are shaped; her call to recognise the political and social power of security technologies; and to reform them in terms of trust, inclusion and reciprocity. They were created around exchanges we had during the writing of her book “Inclusive Security: Digital Security Meets Web Science” – (part of the Foundations and Trends® in Web Science series by Now Publishing). Many of them appear in the book and together they form a large body of artwork Lizzie can draw on for publications, teaching, lectures, and events.
“Alice’s artwork draws out the complex and contradictory details of everyday life. Every line in her drawings writes back in the feelings and experiences of technological security use that academic writing so often struggles to articulate.” Lizzie Coles Kemp

“Digital security for all: why an inclusive security approach matters”
“Digital security for all: why an inclusive security approach matters.”
Conversations & Connections
November 3, 2008 by Giles Lane · Leave a Comment
As part of our Social Tapestries research programme, Proboscis collaborated with Kevin Harris of Local Level and residents of the Havelock Estate in Southall, west London to explore how communication technologies (such as Urban Tapestries) and creative techniques (such as Bodystorming, StoryCubes & Diffusion eBooks) might enhance democratic engagement at local level by stimulating the habits of participation.
The project encountered significant issues in adoption and engagement due to complex and interwoven social, cultural, economic, linguistic, educational factors – and a key outcome was the ongoing evaluation of these barriers and how we tried to address them. The project’s final report to the Ministry of Justice (April 2007) quickly became Proboscis’ most downloaded publication ever.
Team: Camilla Brueton, Kevin Harris (Local Level), Giles Lane & Orlagh Woods
Partners: Bev Carter (Partners in Change); HIRO (Havelock Independent Residents Organisation)
Funded by the Ministry of Justice (Electoral Policy Division Innovation Award)
Social Tapestries
November 3, 2008 by Giles Lane · Leave a Comment
Social Tapestries (2004-08) was a five year research programme of projects that grew out of our original Urban Tapestries project. The focus of Social Tapestries was to create a series of experiments in public authoring in challenging environments and with local communities that could begin to reveal the potential for emerging mobile media in enabling change through the mapping and sharing of knowledge and experience in everyday settings. We developed projects with two social housing groups (a residents’ committee and a short-life co-op), schools (a secondary near Hull and a primary in North London), residents/users of London Fields and people who lived and worked in Hoxton.
Team: Alice Angus, Camilla Brueton, Kevin Harris, Giles Lane, Karen Martin, Sarah Thelwall and Orlagh Woods.
Partners & Collaborators: Birkbeck College; London School of Economics; Jenny Hammond Primary School; HIRO (Havelock Independent Residents Organisation); St Marks Housing Co-op, Kingswood High;;
Funded by Arts Council England, Ministry of Justice, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, EPSRC (Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council)
Perception Peterborough – Voices
September 1, 2008 by Giles Lane · Comments Off on Perception Peterborough – Voices
Voices records hopes, aspirations and feelings about the city of local people we encountered during our anarchaeological research for Perception Peterborough. One of a series of 8 “Impressions” of the city of Peterborough in England. Part of the Perception Peterborough project which involves artists and consultants in working with local, national and international people to develop a compelling and exciting vision for the future of the city.
Experiencing Democracy Report
April 5, 2008 by Giles Lane · Comments Off on Experiencing Democracy Report
Experiencing Democracy Report (April 2008)
Conversations & Connections Report
May 28, 2007 by Giles Lane · Comments Off on Conversations & Connections Report
Social Tapestries: Conversations and Connections (May 2007)
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