Landscapes in Dialogue

November 17, 2007 by · Comments Off on Landscapes in Dialogue 

Cultural Snapshots No. 15 November 2007

Landscapes in Dialogue : Thoughts inspired by the Artists in the Park residency, Ivvavik National Park, Yukon by Alice Angus

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Capitalising Creativity

November 15, 2007 by · Comments Off on Capitalising Creativity 

Cultural Snapshots No.14 November 2007

Capitalising Creativity : Developing earned income streams in Cultural Industries organisations by Sarah Thelwall

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Conversations & Connections Report

May 28, 2007 by · Comments Off on Conversations & Connections Report 

Social Tapestries: Conversations and Connections (May 2007)
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Endless Landscape Magnets

November 20, 2006 by · 5 Comments 

The Endless Landscape, polyorama or myriorama (meaning ‘many views’) was a popular 18th and 19th century storytelling game also known as a tableau polyoptique. It consists a series of paintings of fragments of a panorama that can be arranged in billions of combinations to form a continuous landscape for creating stories – each card extending, adding to or changing the narrative. A neverending journey of imaginary landscapes.

Proboscis’ first Endless Landscape, by Alice Angus, depicts 21 fragments of a panorama based on London and was part of Social Tapestries – a 5 year project about mapping and sharing knowledge, storytelling and public authoring using cutting edge mobile and internet technologies and revisiting traditional paper based methods. The flow of ideas from Social Tapestries has increasingly emphasised the importance of storytelling and narrative as a living, everyday process that underpins how people co-create and inhabit culture and society. Part fact and part fiction, the Endless Landscape alters geography and connects events across the timeline of history. Its panoramas are littered with improbable landscapes, curiosities, ghostly evocations, historical anomalies and architectural conundrums.

Set of 18 Magnets – Price £25.00 – Buy Online

Social Tapestries

November 1, 2006 by · Comments Off on Social Tapestries 

Social Tapestries from Proboscis on Vimeo.

A playful investigation of social impacts of knowledge mapping and sharing through the Social Tapestries experiments. Devised by Alice Angus & Giles Lane. Directed and animated by Alice Angus (November 2006).

ST – St Marks Coop Report

October 15, 2006 by · Comments Off on ST – St Marks Coop Report 

St Marks Housing Coop Report (October 2006)

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Urban Tapestries: Public Authoring, Place & Mobility

October 15, 2006 by · 1 Comment 

Urban Tapestries: Public Authoring, Place & Mobility (October 2006)

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Everyday Archaeology Report

September 15, 2006 by · Comments Off on Everyday Archaeology Report 

Social Tapestries Everyday Archaeology Report (September 2006)

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Human Echoes – A Dialogue on Cultures of Listening

July 2, 2006 by · Comments Off on Human Echoes – A Dialogue on Cultures of Listening 

In July 2006 Proboscis organised an open dialogue on Cultures of Listening for Interdependence Day at the Royal Geographic Society. The dialogue took the form of a series of conversations between an invited group of artists, social scientists, teachers, researchers, curators and policymakers at a picnic in Kensington Gardens, just across from the RGS.

Our aim was to use the informal setting of a picnic and our role as hosts to bring together a diverse group and stimulate conversations, rather than hold a more formal debate or discussion. This placed the emphasis of the dialogue on being a culture of listening rather being about one. After an hour and a half of introducing people to each other and connecting conversations, the group came together to reflect on what we had heard and said, followed by more conversation and connections over lunch.

Proboscis commissioned artist Camilla Brueton to create an artwork inspired by the event
Camilla’s Brueton’s commission for the Human Echoes event back in July is now complete and the digital element is available as two podcast files. The work is called The Human Echoes Archive and is a box of fictional and factual materials (drawings, maps, postcards, index cards, audio cd) that mimics the form, materials, structure and tools of archiving to reflect and extend the interconnected conversations of the event.

The Archive adopts a numerical ordering system to collect material relating to the people who were present, issues emerging and questions raised at the Dialogue. Like the informal pockets of conversation which took place at this picnic one can navigate freely between the material in the Archive rummaging, cross referencing and re-ordering or by using the the subject index and footnote references.

The podcast files are an edited version of the article contained in the archive with images of other material from it and, a layered audio piece of fragments of the conversations.

Public Authoring, Education and Learning

June 15, 2006 by · Comments Off on Public Authoring, Education and Learning 

Cultural Snaphots No.13 June 2006

Social Tapestries Policy Paper : Public Authoring, Education & Learning by Megan Conway

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Common Knowledge

May 15, 2006 by · Comments Off on Common Knowledge 

Cultural Snapshots No.12 May 2006

Common Knowledge: Community development and communication on a housing estate by Kevin Harris

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Public Authoring and Feral Robotics

March 30, 2006 by · Comments Off on Public Authoring and Feral Robotics 

Cultural Snapshot No.11 March 2006

Social Tapestries: Public Authoring and Feral Robotics by Giles Lane, Natalie Jeremijenko, Camilla Brueton et al

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Sound Scavenging Report

March 15, 2006 by · 1 Comment 

Sound Scavenging (March 2006)

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Topographies and Tales (excerpt)

November 30, 2005 by · Comments Off on Topographies and Tales (excerpt) 

Topographies and Tales (excerpts) from Proboscis on Vimeo.

Excerpts from ‘Topographies and Tales’ by Alice Angus and Joyce Majiski (2005).
A personal exploration of the way people form relationships with their environments and home combining animation and live-action footage. A meandering journey across parts of Scotland, London and the central Yukon and through the experiences of the filmmakers crossing the miles that separated them between the UK and Canada.

Experimental Ethnography

February 15, 2005 by · Comments Off on Experimental Ethnography 

Urban Tapestries: Experimental Ethnography, Technological Identities and Place (February 2005)    

An LSE Electronic Working Paper by Roger Silverstone and Zoetanya Sujon

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The Spatial and the Social on your Mobile

January 15, 2005 by · Comments Off on The Spatial and the Social on your Mobile 

Cultural Snapshots No.10 January 2005

Urban Tapestries: The Spatial and the Social on your Mobile by Nick West

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Botanizing the Library by Rob Kesseler

October 15, 2004 by · Comments Off on Botanizing the Library by Rob Kesseler 

An artists’ book by Rob Kesseler accompanying his commission for Folkestone Library and Museum for Navigating History.

Paperback 48 pages, 4 colour throughout ISBN: 1 901540 36 7
Published October 2004
Price £10.00 – Buy Online

Social Tapestries: public authoring and civil society

July 15, 2004 by · Comments Off on Social Tapestries: public authoring and civil society 

Cultural Snapshots No.9 July 2004

Social Tapestries:  public authoring and civil society by Giles Lane

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Sensing the city and other stories

July 15, 2004 by · Comments Off on Sensing the city and other stories 

Cultural Snapshots No.8 July 2004

Urban Tapestries: sensing the city and other stories by Katrina Jungnickel

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Urban Tapestries – Contexts

March 15, 2004 by · Comments Off on Urban Tapestries – Contexts 

Urban Tapestries Contexts from Proboscis on Vimeo.

A film exploring the wider contexts informing the Urban Tapestries project, setting out its key aim of exploring the social and cultural implications of public authoring and mobile technologies. Devised by Alice Angus & Giles Lane. Made by Alice Angus (2003/04).

Shaggy Dog Stories

January 15, 2004 by · Comments Off on Shaggy Dog Stories 

Cultural Snapshots No.7 January 2004

Shaggy Dog Stories by Matt Locke

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An Economy of Scarcity

January 15, 2003 by · Comments Off on An Economy of Scarcity 

Cultural Snapshots No.6 January 2003

An Economy of Scarcity:  rethinking privacy as a condition not a commodity by Giles Lane

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Near Real Time

January 15, 2003 by · Comments Off on Near Real Time 

Cultural Snapshots No.5 January 2003

Near Real Time by Alice Angus

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Private Reveries and Public Spaces

January 15, 2003 by · Comments Off on Private Reveries and Public Spaces 

Cultural Snapshots No.4 January 2003

Private Reveries and Public Spaces:  some thoughts on the relation between art and social science in an age of media and technology by Roger Silverstone

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Enterprising Culture

January 15, 2003 by · Comments Off on Enterprising Culture 

Cultural Snapshots No.3 January 2003

Enterprising Culture: 9 propositions for investing in creativity as social capital by Giles Lane

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